Japanese Listening Lesson 033 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Moon Replaced

What If the Moon were Replaced by a Planet?
Find out how it would look if our moon were suddenly replaced with Saturn, Jupiter, or any of the other planets. You need to visit the website to see the pictures and videos. Find other stories, transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 032 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Croatia Travel

Croatia Becomes a Popular Travel Destination After Entering E.U.
Europeans are discovering the beautiful sites of one of their newest member countries. Sakura has the story in this episode of News in Slow Japanese. Find other stories, transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 030 – Intermediate Japanese

Woman Trapped Between Platform and Train Rescued
Listen how a woman pinned between a train and the platform is saved by some quick thinking and her fellow passengers in Japan.  Find other stories, transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 028 – Intermediate Japanese

101 Women Make Simultaneous Skydive
Skydiving alone is hard enough. Can you imagine coordinating with 100 other people in midair?  Hear how it was done in Russia recently in this episode of News in Slow Japanese. Find other stories, transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com
