Japanese Listening Lesson 068 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Elementary Kids Participate in “Battle of the Robots”

Elementary Kids Participate in “Battle of the Robots”
Kids go head to head with their robot warriors. Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 067 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – The Fish With a Transparent Head

The Fish With a Transparent Head
You will be amazed by some of the features of this deep-sea fish. Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 066 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Yawn and You Get a Free Coffee From the Vending Machine

Yawn and You Get a Free Coffee From the Vending Machine
Yawn in the right place in this airport and you could end up with a free coffee. Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 065 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Parisian Restaurant Turns Ugly Customers Away

Parisian Restaurant Turns Ugly Customers Away
If you are not so attractive you might end up in a dark corner at this Parisian restaurant. Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 064 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Norwegian Skydiving Ace’s Accident

Norwegian Skydiving Ace’s Accident
A Norwegian Skydiver’s equipment fails in a cliff diving stunt. Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 063 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Argentina’s Crazy Soapbox Race

Argentina’s Crazy Soapbox Race
Imagine all sorts of crazy carts racing down a steep street. Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 048 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Osaka’s Water Clock

JR’s Osaka Station’s Water Clock Is Getting Talked About Overseas
It’s one of the coolest clocks you’ll ever see. You will have to visit our homepage to see the video. Find the full transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Listening Lesson 046 – Intermediate and Advanced Japanese – Tokyo Tower to Turn into Doraemon

Tokyo Tower to Turn into Doraemon
The famous Tokyo Tower will be lit up in blue and white in honor of the beloved cartoon character Doraemon. Find the full transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com


Japanese Lesson Video 005- Intermediate – News in Slow Japanese – Woman Trapped

Woman Trapped Between Train and Platform Rescued!
Almost everyone at a train station in Japan becomes a hero when they work together to free a woman trapped between a train and the platform. Find out the full story in this report of News in Slow Japanese. Find other stories, transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.com
